Termiteletter@hotmail.com +1 931-837-6483

Termite Treatment

Treating for termites is a necessary evil in Tennessee. You put a stick on the ground and you will find termite in it in know time. If the can't find the stick they sure can find your home. When treating a home it's important to have an experienced. It takes knowledge to know where termite can come in your home, what part of the home that is at most at risk. The areas around your home that hold moisture, where termite will gather to enter your home. 25 years of seeing the when, where, why and how is the most important factor in getting the termite gone and keeping them gone. see more...

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Termite Inspection...

A termite inspection is necessary to prevent and eliminate termite. Every home has a different risk level, but make no mistake about it every home is at risk from an insect that can squeezer through a crack 1/64" wide. Show me a house that doesn't have a crack that small in it, and I will marvel at the builder. If termites aren't found as soon as possible, they can cause significant damage to a structure. Just shining a light around isn't enough, you need to know where to look and why. If your worried about termites, or buying or selling a home. Call us for a termite inspection. We can give you that peace of mind. see more...

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